6th week in Hawaii - Reisverslag uit Kailua-Kona, Verenigde Staten van Ellen Visser - WaarBenJij.nu 6th week in Hawaii - Reisverslag uit Kailua-Kona, Verenigde Staten van Ellen Visser - WaarBenJij.nu

6th week in Hawaii

Door: Ellen

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ellen

20 Oktober 2015 | Verenigde Staten, Kailua-Kona

6th week in Hawaii -> 10/12 – 10/18

I think from all the weeks that I've been here, this week flew by the fastest!

Monday and Tuesday the students were off, so I didn't really have any classes. I worked in the trailer all day. I was working on a to do list the teachers left for us, so that we didn't have to work in the kitchen. I mostly worked on a fundraiser poster which the children are going to use for raising money for school trips. On Tuesday we started with a real southern breakfast which was so delicious. We had muffins, fruit, scones you name it! The rest of the day I had meetings with different kind of teachers. These meetings mostly consisted of discussing lessons, how the students are in the lessons, if we could change lessons so that they become better. In these meetings that I've had I learned that if you just change some little things in your lesson, it already improves. Such as asking the students what the instructions were and how to make your lessons structured.

Wednesday was a normal lessons day, which meant that I had bible in the morning followed by math and ELA. Math is a new subject that I help in. In the math lesson I discovered some new things about myself that I haven't noticed before. I noticed that I was good in explaining. I noticed this because I was helping one student who didn't get lesson material and when I explained it to her, she did and she was able to make the assignments. I never knew that I could explain math in such a way that a student understands it, gets it and knows how to apply it. The reason why I was so surprised was because math isn’t one of my strong suits so to speak. Working with Angela and Daniel is also getting better. I figured out how I need to approach them and how the best way is to get them to do an assignment. What really helps with Daniel is giving him strict instructions such as, you have 10 minutes to this assignment. This helps him to focus more on the assignment. What helps with Angela is just sitting beside her and encourage her. Both are very visual kind of students so when they don’t know what a word means, I try to explain it to them by using my hand and if I have a computer a look the word up on google and show them a picture of it. Angela and Daniel are speaking English more and more every day, they are getting over that boundary of fear. They even read out loud in class during bible which they didn’t want to do 2 weeks ago. I really awesome to see the progress they’ve made in just 6 weeks and I’m happy that I played a part in that even if it was a little part.

Thursday is always project day. So during ELA we have biology and we always have some kind of project for the students. This week they had to continue with their plant project. The students had to make a plant out of paper. This they had to do a lot of cutting and pasting. In the plant the students had to write down what photosynthesis is, how a plant gets its food, what the life cycle is of a plant, what the function is of the root, some new vocab words they learned during the project and some facts about a plant. They had to do this project with a buddy. Every 4th and 5th student was paired up with a 1st/2nd or 3rd student. So they had to help each other in order to finish the project. I thought this was a very creative project in order for the students to know all about a plant.

Before I knew it, it was already Friday! This means it is farm day. During farm the student learned all about chickens. They could even pet a chicken which they found very awesome. I got to hold a chicken which I haven’t done in years it was so amazing. The students also did some planting and building a glove box for their glove. So it think overall the farm was pretty good today. During library time I had to do some homework with some student who didn’t do their homework. They learned all about nouns, which helped me to become better in English grammar as well so it was a win win situation. In the afternoon we had a testimony of one of the teachers. This was really emotional, interesting and heartwarming at the same time. What she did was talk about her life and all the things that happened to her along the way. Somethings were really shocking to hear and other thing explained how she became the person she is today.
By attending this meeting/testimony made me feel more part of the teachers team. What I learned during the meeting on Friday is that you and only you are responsible for your life. Some people can guide you along the way but in the end you along are the one that can decide how you want to live your life.

During the weekend I mostly slept in and went to the beach with other mission builders.
And before I knew it was already Monday again and the week started all over again.

Until next time!!

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Verslag uit: Verenigde Staten, Kailua-Kona


Actief sinds 11 Sept. 2015
Verslag gelezen: 905
Totaal aantal bezoekers 2170

Voorgaande reizen:

03 September 2015 - 02 December 2015


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